Kominoshe të papërshkueshëm nga uji me çizme PVC S5 për punëtorët të kanaleve të drenimit
Kominoshe të papërshkueshëm nga uji me çizme PVC S5 për punëtorët të kanaleve të drenimit
EN340, EN343
The overalls is made of two types of high quality fabric coated PU/PVC which are resistant for mechanic harms. The bottom part of clothing is made of Plavitex Heavy Duty, thickness 0,70mm (weight 700g/m²) in black colour. The upper part is made of Plavitex, thickness 0,50mm (weight 350g/m²) in fluorescent colour. The product includes a waterpellent zipper used in the upper part of the back and welded Safety Boots S5 with steel toe cap and steel midsole as a protection against perforation. This product is used in draining canals, where there's a lot of water and high level of wetness.The seems are welded with high frequency current.
Materiali: PU/PVC
Ngjyra: E verdhë / E zezë, Portokalli / E zezë
Madhësit: Kominoshe 48-62, çizmet e sigurisë 39 - 48